• 100% original Babaco® product- verified by official representatives of Babaco®, on each product there is a copyright note and on the packaging the EAN and SKU code confirming its legality and originality.
• The unique design makes the mug adored not only by coffee lovers or film fans but also by enthusiasts of beautiful pictures on instagram :)
• High quality ceramics and one of the highest class categories available among mugs guarantee precise workmanship, comfort of use and long product life.
• Maximum durability - graphics embedded in the structure of the mug guarantee its high resistance to scratches and abrasion.
• Safety certificate - the product has a certificate guaranteeing safe contact with food
• Capacity - 330ml
• We work with the idea of #SustainableFashion
• Quality guarantee - product tests performed by official representatives of the brand guarantee its highest quality and safety of use